

Get joints moving, specifically the hips and shoulders
Do a few air squats to review technique before wod – weight on the heels, lower back is tight, depth is hips below parallel


Ascending pullup ladder 1-2-3-4-5-6 until you fail, then stop


50 air squats
50 pushups

2 Rounds

*air squats = weight on the heels, lower back is tight, depth is hips below parallel
*pushups are hand release – click here for demo (one of these days I’ll make my own videos)


10 V ups
10 Tuck ups

3 rounds, but sloooooooooow and controlled movement. Make it suck.


  1. GS Session two – felt good. Technique not consistent enough, but getting there.
    GS Conditioning – 8 one-arm swings, 8 H2H, 8 two hand 4 rounds, then four reps each, four rounds = 7:10

    Rested, then did WOD: 8:04 – most of the time spent recovering for more pushups – sucks.

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