3 rounds AMRAP:
2 min max burpees
2 min max pullups
1 min rest
2 min max heavy two handed swings
2 min double kb push press
1 min rest

Post totals to comments.

Kettlebell Sport:

Sport level snatch (4 rounds)

3x Static hold jerks – a slow 5 seconds in the rack, jerk, a slow 5 seconds overhead, return to rack, repeat. Do not go to failure, leave two or three reps in the tank. Focus on breathing/positioning – rep count does not matter here. More time in rack/overhead is better than more reps.

As a circuit – 3 rounds untimed, but keep moving:

Max pullups
Max pushups
Max handstand hold
Max hollow body/rocks
Max superman

30+ minutes running/jumping rope etc.


  1. Burpees 22-18-16 =56
    PullUps 15-16-14 = 45
    HSwings (53# 24kg) 51-53-46=150
    PushPress (44# 24kg) 19-15-14=48
    (shoulders could have done a lot more, but breathing so hard couldn’t keep my balance)

  2. burpees – 23, 18, 12 (completely gassed on rep 8 of 3rd set) = 53
    pullups – 25, 21, 15 = 61
    swings- 35# – 50, 42, 38 = 130
    push press- 35# – 25, 18, 18 = 61 (I’ve only got the 1 kb, so I switched as needed. But did 61 with each hand)

  3. Kettlebell Sport Training:
    Snatch, level 7, 4 rounds, 24kg.
    Felt ok. Not sure if I could do 4 rounds at 2 full minutes yet. Could probably do 3 rounds.

    Double Jerk w/ Lockout Hold:
    24kg bells, 3 sets: 10, 11, 13

    Ran out of time. Did not complete the rest of the workout. Have not been able to lift since Friday. Will not rest tomorrow, Will substitute the last Jerk workout.

    Called my KB guy. Should be able to pick up my 28’s tomorrow.

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