WOD 1:

5x sub maximal pullups (leave some in the tank each set)

WOD 2:

100 burpees for time

Post time to comments.

Kettlebell Sport
WOD 1:

3x sub maximal pullups

WOD 2:
3 rounds:

2 minute clean
2 minute jerk

WOD 3:

30s on/30s off jumping squats for 10minutes

Post reps to comments.


  1. WOD 1
    Also worked pull-ups
    Weighted 45#,40#, 35#, 30#, 25#, 20#, 15#, 10#, 5#, and then no weight. All reps of 3 with :15 rest

    1. Did them first. Not where I want to be. Struggle after 10 reps so trying to use weight “break” through.

  2. Subbed 20 min “Swingin’ Cindy” @53#.

    2 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats 20 two arm swings.

    10 rnds

    Yes, I wusses out on burpees. Didn’t think my shoulders could handle it.

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