kettlebell workouts


Both Kettlebell Sport and GPP

Include jerk technique work in warmup

WOD 1:

100 snatches (50/50) switch as needed
100 air squats

Rest 5-7 minutes

100 push-ups
50 pull-ups

Movements need to be completed in order listed.

WOD 2:

3x max pushup plank hold
3x max side plank (both) hold


Both Kettlebell Sport and GPP:

Sport warmup with technique work.

Percentages are relative effort percentage. I.e., get ups are heavy but manageable.

10 min @ 80%:
Turkish Get Ups – moderate
(switch arms per rep on floor)
rest walk 3 min
10 min @ 80%:
wall walks
(chest to deck, no hip bending, chest to wall) can go just up and down if lacking room
rest walk 3 min
10 min @ 80%:
Farmers walk – heavy for distance

– as above, perfect the TGU, high carryover skill!
– make wall walks tight in midline/core/midsection/abs/low back….
– fw – record total distance and load used


GPP and Kettlebell Sport

Sport – include both jerk and snatch technique work in warmup

WOD 1:
As a circuit:
3x max pull-ups
3x Bulgarian split squats 8-12 reps

Post reps and load to comments.

WOD 2:

5min AMRAP:
3 double kb thrusters
5 burpees

Rest 3 minutes

5min AMRAP:
3 goblet squats (heavy)
5 double arm swings (heavy)

Rest 5 minutes

Run 1 mile

Post total rounds and mile time to comments.



Tabata Air Squats
Rest 4 minutes
Tabata double-arm swings
Rest 4 minutes
Tabata push press (Light)

Kettlebell Sport

Warm-up with technique work at competition weight

10 minute snatch – lighter than competition

rest 10 minutes

10 minute double-arm jerks – lighter than competition <— if you can go to 12 minutes, do it



WOD 1:

4x max pull-ups

WOD 2:

10 rounds for time:

100m shuttle (50m each way)
10 push-ups
10 heavy swings

Rest 3 minutes between rounds 5 and 6

WOD 3:

4x max v-ups

Kettlebell Sport

Warm-up with light technique work

Snatch Sets. Try for a click or two faster than comp. tempo.

2min – 16kg
2min – 20kg
2min – 24kg
2min – 16kg
2min – 20kg
2min – 24kg

Rest 1 minute between sets.
If hands feel crappy, go to half-snatch.

5 min jerk set -24kg, faster than comp tempo if possible.

5k run


WOD 1:
As a easily-paced circuit:

4×8 Bulgarian split squats (weighted if possible, but the reps need to be clean, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the movement
4x max pull-ups

WOD 2:

10min AMRAP:

1 clean RT
1 kb front squat RT
1 jerk RT

Repeat with left arm = 1 round.

Post total rounds to comments.

WOD 3:

4x max push-up plank hold (squeeze glutes and stomach)

Kettlebell Sport

Rest 1 minute between rounds:
2min jerk 16kg
2min jerk 20kg
2min jerk 24 kg
2min jerk 16kg
2min jerk 20kg
2min jerk 24 kg

5min snatch 16kg

1 set max sumo squats


WOD 1:
2x max pull-ups

WOD 2:
3 rounds:
50 single-arm swings each arm
15 LT/15 RT push presses
15 LT/15 RT Kettlebell lunge

WOD 3:
As a circuit:
3x max chin-ups
3x max plank holds

Kettlebell Sport

Warm-up with light technique work, but enough to really work the movement pattern

Two minute rest between sets:

Set 1: 5 minute snatch sets – competition weight
Set 2: 5 minute snatch set – lighter weight
Set 3: 5 minute swing + snatch set – competition weight

4x max pull-ups – hang from bar until failure after last rep of each set

10x100m sprints


WOD 1:

4x max pull-ups, holding top position for 2 seconds each rep

WOD 2:
Repeat 3 times, resting 3 minutes between each attempt:

3min AMRAP-
3 double arm Kettlebell thrusters
5 burpees

*set up so there’s minimal time switching between thrusters and burpees

WoD 3:

3x max forearm plank holds

Kettlebell Sport

Rest 1 minute between sets:

3 minute set snatch
3 minute set double-arm jerks
3 minute set snatch
3 minute set double-arm jerks

Rest as needed

2x double arm jerk static hold. Loooong five count in each position. Feel the “bone on bone” support of your structure in the top position. Heavy if possible, otherwise competition weight.

1x max sumo squats. Do. Not. Set. The. Weight. Down.



Repeat the following twice:

Run 800m
10min AMRAP:
Swing RT
Clean RT
Push press RT

Repeat with Left arm = 1 round.

Post weight used and total reps of both rounds to comments.

Kettlebell Sport

Set 1: lighter than competition, technique work. Can switch arms as needed.
Set 2: competition weight, competition intensity
Set 3: lighter than competition, competition intensity
Set 4: lighter than competition, 1 swing + 1 snatch. One hand switch allowed.

3x max pull-ups – hang from bar until failure after last rep of each set

25minute Kettlebell step-ups (fast pace)



WOD 1:

10min Max push-ups and chin-ups/pull-ups

*Sets and reps are up to you. Switch movements as needed.

Post totals to comments. Go directly into….

WOD 2:

10min AMRAP:

1 air squat
1 lunge each leg

Post totals rounds to comments.

WOD 3:

10 min AMRAP:

Kettlebell swings

*any style

Post total and weight to comments.

Kettlebell Sport

Set 1: lighter than competition, technique work
Set 2: competition weight, competition intensity
Set 3: lighter than competition, competition intensity

6min fast, heavy single-arm swings. Switch arms as needed, but work the grip

3x max pull-ups – hang from bar until failure after last rep of each set

25minute Kettlebell step-ups (fast pace)



WOD 1:

3x max weighted pull-ups

WOD 2:

3 rounds for time:
20 double-arm Kettlebell thrusters
25 burpees


WOD 3:

3x max hold hollow body position
2 minute kettlebell double arm Kettlebell swings between hollow body attempts

Kettlebell Sport

Sport Level Snatch:

Set 1: Lighter than competition weight, full snatches. Focus here is warming up good movement patterns, so end the set feeling good.

Set 2 (Main Set): Competition weight/competition rules – really push the effort here towards higher reps/longer duration

Set 3: 1 swing into 1 snatch – lighter than competition weight – push the grip here then switch arms.

Set 4: (optional) same as set 3 but with competition weight

10x100m sprints – rest 1 minute between rounds. Use grassy area if possible.



WOD 1:

Repeat 3 times:
2min max push press
2min max air squats
2min max heavy double-arm swing

Rest 3 minutes

WOD 2:

3x max plyo push-ups
3x max chin-ups

Kettlebell Sport


Set 1: lighter than competition, technique work
Set 2: competition weight, competition intensity
Set 3: lighter than competition, competition intensity

2 rounds: fast, heavy single-arm jerks to failure (sprint sets)

4x max pull-ups

25minute Kettlebell step-ups (fast pace)